Awesome Tools
A curated list of awesome tools for dev, design, and life.
Inspired by awesome-python.
- Awesome Tools
- Design
- Branding
- Machine Learning
- Knowledge Graph
- LaTeX
- Software Architecture
- Frontend Dev
- Backend Dev
- DevOps
- Miscellaneous
- Contributing
- License
- Vectorian ornaments
- API Stylebook Design Guidelines
- Implement an AWS Client VPN
- Ubuntu Design
- Select Similar - Completely screwed on a file after duplicating 300 objects? Instead of going one by one this plugin single handedly came in clutch.
Machine Learning
- Deep Learning Tutorial
- Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction by Sutton and Barto - is the introductory book on RL. It covers very basics and build up from there. Does not cover deep RL.
Open Training Data
When we are learning about Machine Learning it is best to actually experiment with real-world data, not just artificial datasets. Fortunately, there are thousands of open datasets to choose from, ranging across all sorts of domains. Here are a few places we can look to get data:
- Amazon's AWS datasets
- AWS Data Exchange
- Data Portals - A Comprehensive List of Open Data Portals from Around the World
- Datasets subreddit
- Kaggle datasets
- Knowledge Graph entities
- Nasdaq Data Link
- OpenConcepts - Entity API
- Project Gutenberg - Free books for read and data analytics
- UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository
- University of Oregon RouteViews Project
- University of Oregon RouteViews Project
- Wikipedia's list of Machine Learning datasets
- WikiSQL - NL to SQL
- Downloading converted and quantized Llama models
- A comprehensive guide to running Llama 2 locally
- Downloading Llama models
- llama-2-7b-hf - Converted model weights for Llama-2-7B in Huggingface format
- Ollama
Awesome Papers on Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Knowledge Graph
- Neo4j Desktop Graph Apps Gallery - Plugin apps for Neo4j Desktop that provide new capabilities, like Monitoring, Import, Analysis, Running Graph Algorithms, Visualization and much more
- Cool Text Highlighting in LaTeX
- CTAN - The "Maven Central" for LaTeX
- LaTeX math equation online editor
- LaTeX showcase
- MacTeX - LaTeX comes with various installation packges, some are minimized versions. The comprehensive package is MacTeX
- - Instant math equation syntax checker and sharing via image online
- texlive package manager - Installing a LaTeX package. e.g.
sudo tlmgr update --self && sudo tlmgr install pgfornament
Software Architecture
Frontend Dev
- Defensive CSS
- Nodesource - Universal node & npm installer
- npm trends
- The Modern JavaScript Tutorial
UI Performance
- Lighthouse CI Action - Maintained by third party, no GitHub App install required, no dedicated UI report hosting server required
- Lighthouse CI - Maintained by Google, GitHub App install required, UI report hosting requires dedicated server
- Lighthouse
- PageSpeed Insights
- Performance Budget Calculator
- Request Map Generator
- Third Party Web
Mock Backend
- json-graphql-server
- json-server - Quick back-end for prototyping and mocking
- lowdb - Simple to use type-safe local JSON database
Backend Dev
- API Platform (also checkout this interesting startup)
- Cloudcraft - Visualize cloud architecture like a Pro by creating smart AWS diagrams
- Generate SQL DB Schema Diagram
- - Installing Docker on Linux with an automated script
- JSON to JSON Schema converter online
- Intellij Ubuntu Light Theme - an Idea theme plugin whose color scheme follows the famous Ubuntu Color Palette
- String Manipulation plugin - With a simple
you get case switching, sorting, filtering, incrementing, aligning to columns, grepping, escaping, encoding, and more
- Defensive Copy
- Java Decompiler
- Java Generics FAQs
- jConsole
- Learning Java via Jenkov
- VisualVM
- Diagnostic Tools
- gqt - Build and execute GraphQL queries in the terminal
- GraphiQL online
- MySQL Tutorial
- Oracle Tutorial
- - The easiest way to get started with PostgreSQL on Mac
Database Management
- - Dealing with "command not found" Error
- Convert curl command to programming language code
- Convert JSON to YAML
- Discourse - A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple.
- Escape/Unescape Tool
- git-crypt
- Greasy Fork - A nice browser per-website customization such as de-流氓 script by Bilibili
- local-jwks-server - a tool for mocking JWT authentication with JWKS
- Online JSON formatter
- Online Self-Signed SSL Certificate Generator Tool for Website
- OpenID Connect explained
- Random String Generator
- Refactoring.Guru
- - Receives payloads then sends them to your locally running application
- Tree: An online tree-like utility for generating ASCII folder structure diagrams. Written in TypeScript and React.
- Unix Time Stamp - Epoch Converter
- URL Decoder/Encoder
Your contributions are always welcome! Please take a look at the contribution guidelines first.
I will keep some pull requests open if I'm not sure whether those libraries are awesome, you could vote for them by adding :+1: to them. Pull requests will be merged when their votes reach 20.
The use and distribution terms for awesome-tools are covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
If you have any question about this opinionated list, do not hesitate to contact me or open an issue on GitHub.